VRChat Now Automatically Make Your PC Avatar Visible to Mobile Users

On the left is a PC avatar and on the right is a mobile impostor generated automatically.
On the left is a PC avatar and on the right is a mobile impostor generated automatically.

VRChat introduced Impostors, a feature that allows it to create a fallback version of your PC avatar that mobile users can see, in version 2023.4.2 in early December. This feature is making it easier to bridge the divide between PC and mobile users.

As VRChat is now available for mobile, you can enjoy it on your Android phone from the Google Play store, or on your standalone VR headset from the app stores of Meta Quest, Pico 4, and Vive XR Elite. It is also available on PC with optional VR support.

Because most PC worlds and avatars are too complex to run smoothly on mobile devices, VRChat uses a partly divided method. All worlds and avatars need a mobile-friendly version for standalone headset and phone players to join or see them. Creators can upload two versions of the same content, one for PC and one for mobile.

A mobile fallback avatar that bears no resemblance to the PC avatar is what standalone headset and phone users see, if a user fails to upload a mobile-compatible version of their avatar.

With the new Impostors feature of VRChat, users can easily create a mobile-friendly version of their avatar that looks similar to it - but with less quality. The outcome is not as nice as a tailor-made mobile version of the avatar, but it’s much better than a random fallback, as it preserves the avatar’s main identity.

This impostor avatar will also be visible on PC when your high-fidelity avatar cannot be shown due to a user’s performance settings.

By using the impostors system, PC and mobile users in VRChat are becoming more connected, and feeling less excluded than before.

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